Trade fair program: technical presentations & webcasts
Control, the world’s leading trade fair, cordially invites you to participate in the diverse, know-how-intensive technical presentations at Schall’s Control Forum, at the booths of the exhibiting companies and in webcasts free of charge.
- Material testing apparatus
- Devices and machines for non-destructive testing
- Material testing apparatus
- Analytical devices
- Resistance testing
- QA Microsystem technology
- Apparatus for determination of other physical quantities
- Other apparatus, instruments etc.
- Analytical devices
- Systems and apparatus for image processing
- Opto-electronic systems and apparatus
- Systems and apparatus for image processing
- Software for computer aided quality assurance
- Organisations / publishers / services
- Software for computer aided quality assurance
- 1-FO
- 3
- 5
- 7
- 9
- Forum
- Webcast
- 06.05.2025
- 07.05.2025
- 08.05.2025
- 09.05.2025
Say goodbye to power cords! The AD-3 Yoke features an integrated battery, providing true mobility for efficient, on-the-go NDT inspections.
Launch of a new Digital Detector Array (DDA) / Flat Panel Detector (FPD) for industrial CT and NDT
Launch of a new Digital Detector Array (DDA) / Flat Panel Detector (FPD) for industrial CT and NDT
In seinem Vortrag auf der Control 2025 zeigt unser CEO Jörg von Ploetz eine praxisnahe KI-Anwendung für die Qualitätssicherung mit dem KI-gestützten 8D-Assist: Eine globale Suchfunktion ermöglicht den Zugriff auf alle 8D-Reports, während das intelligente System Synonyme, ähnliche ...more
Knowledge transfer from specific industries to general industry
-Lernen Sie Speech Mining kennen – eine KI-basierte Adaption von Process Mining auf das gesprochene Wort -Speech Mining führt zu einem automatisierten Abbild der gesamten Organisation im Sinne eines Digitalen Zwillings - Erleben Sie eine KI-basierte Antwortmaschine zur Abfrage des ...more
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly finding its way into modern industry, especially in the metal sector. In many cases, microstructural analyses such as grain size and decarburisation measurements are a necessary obligation - whether due to customer requirements or standard ...more
At Deep Detection we empower in-line inspection companies to eliminate hidden risks and ensure product quality by detecting what others miss. Our range of X-ray line cameras use advanced photon counting sensors to simultaneously provide single and dual energy imaging in every pixel across ...more
Erfahren Sie, wie KI den Auditprozess verändert – von einfachen Anwendungsfällen über generative Modelle wie ChatGPT und KI-gestützte Analysen bis hin zur Vision von Speech2Audit. Entdecken Sie, wie Automatisierung den Aufwand reduziert und die Qualität von Audits verbessert. Anhand ...more

Exhibitor Forum
As an exhibitor, take the opportunity to present yourself to the Control trade audience with a presentation in the Exhibitor Forum or via webcast!
Registration via online ordering system