Day 1: Welcome to the 35th Control, the world’s leading trade fair for quality assurance

Welcome to the 35th Control, the world’s leading trade fair for quality assurance at its high-tech venue in Stuttgart, in the very heart of Europe! Industrial quality assurance is a key factor in the digital transformation, and in the automation of manufacturing processes all over the world. Expert visitors experience the most up-to-date solutions from the QA industry for concrete applications in everyday production – live at Control.
QA solutions are highly significant in manufacturing processes, especially where efficiency, the conservation of resources and sustainability are concerned, because modern measuring systems ensure increased accuracy, time savings and enhanced productivity, so that defective parts, rejects and wasted raw materials can be avoided. Another important technology trend in quality assurance is the need for measuring machines which offer easy, intuitive operation. Considerable attention is focused on measuring software in this regard, which provides operators with best possible support. Control 2023 will present an ideal market overview at the global level.
A successful opening day comes to an end and initial impressions from #Control2023 can be viewed here. Thank you. We’re looking forward to the next three days with unique solutions involving intelligent value chains for information and process-oriented industrial production!

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