Meet the Experts for Quality Control


All the information you need to buy your ticket.

Travel Plans

Fast and uncomplicated travel to the trade fair directly at Stuttgart Airport.

Trade Fair Programme

Plan your perfect day at the show with Control's top-notch and comprehensive program.

Exhibitor List

Check out the great diversity of our trade fair exhibitors.

Job Market

Exhibiting companies offer currently available jobs at the job market.

Control: Outstanding Business Venue anda unique Technology Hub for the QA Sector

Control is the meeting place for anyone and everyone who’s responsible for the quality of a product, a process or a service. Attention is focussed on technologies from the fields of machine vision, image processing, sensor technology, measuring and test technology, as well as software and data management.

Today’s challenges include efficiency, the conservation of resources and sustainability. And thus primary emphasis is placed on “process improvement” – a goal pursued by all manufacturing and processing companies in every sector. By identifying and eliminating inefficiencies, companies streamline their processes, reduce their consumption of resources and minimise costs.

Visitor Information

Trade Fair Opening Hours

Tuesday, 06th to Thursday, 08th May 2025
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday, 09th May 2025
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


  • Measuring technology
  • Material testing
  • Analytical apparatus
  • Optoelectronics
  • QA systems / service
Nomenclature and product classification

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9+1 Reasons for Experiencing #Control2025 Live

  1. Industrial quality assurance is a key factor in the digital transformation, and in the automation of manufacturing processes all over the world. Experience the latest solutions for the QA industry – live at Control.
  2. As soon as you arrive at the exhibition centre, you’ll enter into a direct technical exchange with a highly specialised expert community.
  3. Individual solutions for various production setups with efficient, cutting-edge technologies will be presented and explained to you in the modern, bright exhibition halls.
  4. The unique complexity of possible solutions and the comprehensive overview of variants, which can only be found at specialised trade fairs, provide you with reliable support for your investment plans.
  5. You’ll experience technical innovations and digital trends with all of your senses, from which your business will undoubtedly gain new ideas and impetus.
  6. There’s no substitute for a personal, face-to-face exchange at the trade fair, because best business with capital goods is a matter of trust.
  7. Control’s inspiring and creative professional atmosphere promotes intensive dialogue at the trade fair booths, which are ideally suited to this end.
  8. Valuable, long-lasting business relationships always evolve at the event.
  9. And thus exhibitors, expert visitors, company employees, media representatives and colleagues are especially looking forward to this year’s Control – at the heart of one of Europe's leading technology regions.
  10. A detailed hygiene and safety concept will ensure that the trade fair can be held safely.