LabV Intelligent Solutions GmbHHall 3 - Stand 3309-1
- Special purpose measuring equipment
- Measured data recording of test installations
- Software for computer aided quality assurance
- Software for evaluation and analysis
- Automation of test sequences
- Data compression and data archiving
- Computer aided quality assurance, general

Additional information

LabV - AI-powered Material Intelligence Platform
LabV is a cloud-based, AI-powered platform that eliminates inefficient data handling and management, empowering teams in R&D and quality control with actionable insights.
Streamline formulation development, processing, and quality control for data-driven decision-making at every step ...more
08. May 2025 from 15:40 to 16:20 Clock
Beyond LIMS – AI and Material Intelligence in Quality Assurance
LabV Intelligent Solutions GmbH
Referent: Charles Jouanique, Chief Revenue Officer, LabV, Selb
hall 7 booth 7115 FORUM