SCHNEEBERGER GmbHHall 9 - Stand 9403
- Measuring instruments
- Measuring tables
- Measuring machines
- Measuring stands for ball screw drives
- Special purpose measuring equipment
- Measuring slide glides (air-cushioned)
- Components for measuring and testing equipment
- Components for measuring and testing equipment, general
- Coded linear and angular measuring systems
- Linear bearings

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NDN type micro frictionless tables NDN-KS with integrated cage control
With this option, the NDN-KS micro frictionless table from SCHNEEBERGER takes linear motion technology to the next level. Thanks to the integrated cage control system that eliminates cage creeping, the NDN-KS delivers consistently high thrust, exceptional speeds of up to 3 m/s, and ...more

MINISCALE Plus Miniature guide with integrated measuring system - "all in one".
MINISCALE PLUS is based on the proven MINIRAIL miniature guide. Accordingly, the guide specifications of MINIRAIL apply to MINISCALE PLUS.
The range comprises eight rail widths that can be combined with up to four carriage sizes.
MINISCALE PLUS is consistently accurate and reliable. The ...more