Horst Knäbel GmbH
PräzisionsmesstechnikHall 10 - Stand 1301

  • Linear and angular measurement
    • Tracers, precision dial gauges
  • Measuring instruments
    • Multi-position measuring devices
    • Measuring instruments, general
  • Measuring machines
    • Measuring device construction
    • Multipoint measuring machines
    • Measuring machines, general
    • Production measuring machines
  • Special purpose measuring equipment
    • Special purpose measuring devices, general
    • Integrated measuring equipment

Multi-Measuring System
Diameter Mandrel with 6 probes, separate in two levels,verifying upper and lower diameter, as well the centers of these diameters. In addition this mandrel is also the reference for the gauge heads verifying the distances, based from the center. These measuring heads manufactured with ...more

Now even smaller built-in probes for even more measuring points in even tighter spaces
Our customers' workpieces are getting smaller and smaller, but the measuring tasks remain complex. To address this new situation, we have developed an even smaller version of our well-known IET probe and tested it in the field for almost two years. We are pleased to announce that this ...more