Diatest Hermann Költgen GmbHHall 10 - Stand 1601
- Linear and angular measurement
- Multi-position measuring devices
- Pedestals and tripods for tracers, precision dial gauges
- Measuring tools, precision measuring tools
- Linear and angular measurement, general
- Measuring instruments
- Dial external micrometers
- Recording thread gauges
- Dial internal micrometers
- Digital measuring and indicator devices
- Chamfer length measuring devices
- Internal measuring instruments
- Multi-position measuring devices
- Measuring instruments, general
- Measuring instruments, mechanical
- Instruments stands and mounts
- Measuring tables
- Dial gauges, precision tracers
- Diameter measuring systems
- Precision measuring instruments
- Components for multipoint measuring systems and equipment
- Measuring instruments, electronical
- Measuring machines
- Measuring robots
- Measuring device construction
- Special purpose measuring equipment
- Integrated measuring equipment
- Special purpose measuring devices, general
- Software for computer aided quality assurance
- Software for evaluation and analysis
- Software supported data acquisition and control
- Mobile data entry
- Computer aided quality assurance, general

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Additional information

DIATEST IPM - The radio measuring system for machining centres for dynamic In-process-measurement
DIATEST IPM - Dynamic and static In-process-measurement"
■ More good parts through full process control
■ High-precision measurement under identical conditions as in production - with the right measuring tools, without external influences
■ DIATEST calibration room of the highest ...more

DIATEST IPM Complete system for automatic in-process measuring
The radio measuring system for machining centres for dynamic & static In-process measurement!
■ More good parts through full process control
■ High-precision measurement under identical conditions as in production - with the right measuring tools, without external ...more

Environmental protection at DIATEST
In many points, regardless of the legislator or any certifications, we have already taken measures a few years ago:
■ Rain water cisterns: Several large cisterns collect rainwater from roofs and paths. The rainwater is used for flushing toilets among other things
■ LED illumination: ...more